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I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland with motorcycles as an important part of my life. But God

came first from the age of 25, when I was saved. I eventually sold my bikes to attend Bob Jones

University and join the ministry. I worked my way through college as a mechanic, and one day a

customer was unable to pay for my services - so he offered me a used motorcycle. That's when I

started to attend local bike rallies.


The History


At my second rally, while waiting in line

for a soft drink, God spoke to me. He

asked me why I wasn't witnessing to

my fellow bikers. Since that day,

week-by-week, rally-by-rally,

God's motorcycle ministry

has grown.


Now I've been riding eighteen years for the Lord, twelve years full-time. So the next time you hear the 

thump-thump-thumping of a motorcycle down the street, think of it not as a sound of potential trouble,

but as the sound of potential salvation.