Prayer Requests
Hot Springs Rally
Upcoming Events
Update On Giving


Prayer Requests

1. Summer Retreat July 26-27
2. We have been ministering to a lot of local bikers. Please pray that the
    gospel seeds, which have been planted will grow in their hearts.
3. Our support continues to be lower than it needs to be. This makes it very difficult for us right now.

Hot Springs Rally

As I have said since January this year, all the rallies have been down in attendance, so I figured that the Hot Springs Rally would be no different. I was surprised, because they had a record crowd and we had so many opportunities I do not have room to write down all of them.

Even though there was a record crowd, we did not see as many bikers walking by our setup as we usually do,  but we did have a lot of the bikers from our hometown that we already knew that were there. We spent all 3 days talking with them and some new bikers that did come by. Several we talked to were not saved -  Danny, Wild Bill, Craig, and Larry.

I had a good talk with Dotty. She came up to me and started a conversation about her marriage and her husband. They both profess to be saved, but are not living for Christ.

A week later I called Dotty to see how things were and to see if she took my advice. She told me she has begun to try and do what we had talked about and it is going well - one day at a time - so I encouraged her to be continue to be faithful in church and to grow in God's grace.

We had a good talk with Weasel, a biker from Lake Lure, NC. I have gone through the plan of salvation with him, before, but he has not accepted Christ. I believe that God blessed in our talk with him. Weasel tells us that he does not care whether he goes to heaven or hell, but he does care a lot for his children and grandchildren and what will happen to them. We used that to talk to him about Christ.

Please keep all those mentioned here in your prayers.

Please visit our News / Photos section of this website to see pictures of those we witnessed to,  and learn more about what happened.

Upcoming Events

1. Weekend Retreat at Lake Hartwell (July 26-27)
2. Cherokee Rally in North Carolina (Sept.5-7)

Financial Update

We need to have the $800.00 from last year's budget to be given to us so that we can break even for last year. Please pray about this need we have and see what you can do to help. Please send something to help us close the books on last year.
As you pray about this need, please take part in sending a little something more for this current year. We find that we are getting behind in this year's expenses as well. We understand that everyone is experiencing some difficulties this year with gasoline prices going up, but remember that your giving to God is what God gives to us for our needs. You have a part in this ministry and we thank you for caring for us. You also have a responsibility to be generous to God by giving to this and other ministries. We are a (501c3) ministry and gifts given to the ministry are tax deductible for you if you should need the deduction.

Take this before God and let Him direct your giving back to His ministries.
We serve the Almighty God, Creator and Savior, and He will take care of us all, through these times.

We thank you for every thing you do and give to make this ministry a success and an arm of evangelism for the Lord.


Glenn Taylor
State-Line Motorcycle Ministry Inc.
155 E. Mountain Creek Rd.
Greenville, SC 29609
Website (stlmm.org)