State-Line Motorcycle Ministry Dec. 08 Newsletter
Prayer Requests
Toy Runs
Christmas Fellowship
Special Need
Financial Report

Prayer Requests

1. Praising God for taking care of SLMM financially in 2008
2. Praising God for all the opportunities to witness last year
3. Open the door for a Hotel at Bike Week in March
4. Need $130.00 for new front tire for the bike

Toy Runs

Because of all the bad weather we had in December, we did not get to all the Toy Runs we normally do.

We did make the Greenville ABATE Toy Run and the bikers showed up in large numbers. We had many opportunities to witness with a lot of the bikers we knew and met some new ones as well. It was a good day to plant the seeds of the gospel.

Christmas Fellowship

We had record crowds and what a blessing that was.  Five unsaved bikers showed up and I preached a salvation message to them. We had over 20 in all show up, and the week after we got to talk to some of the bikers who had come for the first time, They seemed to enjoy being there the whole time.

Special Need

Twice a year we have need of some one to do data entry. Mainly in April with our banquet and in October with our Christmas letter.   We are looking for someone who would like to help us (as a gift to the ministry) twice a year to enter names, address, etc. This can be done at their own home if they have a computer and a program that will do the work we need.0

Please make this a matter of prayer. Our Banquet is coming up on April 7 and we will have need of someone to be committed to work for us at that time.

Financial Report

We had a good month with some special gifts for Christmas.  What a blessing to see God work in lives.

Monthly Budget $5,000.00
Monthly Giving  $4,485.11

Income Shortfall <$ 514.89>