State-Line Motorcycle Ministry March 09 Newsletter
Bike Week
Prayer Requests
Paine Run
Financial Report

Bike Week

Daytona Beach Rally was up this year in attendance. Wilton came down to help me most of the week. We had more opportunities to witness this year than ever before and we are praising God. We witnessed to Renee with the plan of salvation and left a tract with her (she did not accept Christ). We also gave the plan of salvation to Oscar who wanted to ask questions like "why 911". Keep them both in your prayers. We met 3 men from New York, one said he believes in God and I witnessed to him, the other said there is no God and I told him life is full of making decisions, some of us make good ones while other make bad ones. He got the point. Wilton got to witness to a biker who lost his keys and help another woman who needed help with some family problems.

We also had more bikers pick up our Bibles and study books than ever before. I had a friend who drove his blazer down, took several extra cases of literature for us so we would not run out. We went through everything we took down in the trailer, plus some. That was a real blessing.

Link to Pictures from the Bike Week Rally:

Prayer Requests

1. Cherokee Rally (April 24 -26)
2. Myrtle Beach Rally (May 12 -17)
3. Rolling Thunder (May 21 -25)

Paine Run

Each year the ABATE of Greenville hosts a memorial run for those who died while a member of ABATE. About 20-30 bikers showed up and this gave me more opportunities to witness. We had two good contacts (Vince and Steve) during the run. Vince (I don't believe he is saved) has visited our church before and told us that he wants to come on a regular basis, but has not. Steve is saved and has been out of fellowship with God for many years. We had a good talk about his life and what he needs to do. Keep both these bikers in your prayers


We had two different people make up our shortfall for January and February.

We also had a couple pay for the rental of our church sign for 3 months.

Two professional sign makers offered to make a sign for us to use in the future. That will keep the costs down. One will make the sign and the other will paint the it. 

The blessings just keep rolling in. God has been so good to us.

Financial Report

Monthly Budget ------------------  $5,000.00
Monthly Giving for February  -- $6,987.90 (Some of the Banquet money)
Income Over ------------------------$1,987.90

We needed to raise $10,690.00 from the Banquet, beyond the cost of the banquet. We did not reach our goal, but we thank God for what He has done.

If anyone feels that they would like to help out with the expenses, please send your gift to us at the address below.  Every gift you give is tax deductible.

Our Goal ------------------ $10,690.00

Money received ----------- $8700.00 

Short of our goal by: ----- $1,990.00

Cost of the Banquet ------ $2,862.95

TOTAL Short Fall -------- $4,852.95


Glenn Taylor
State-Line Motorcycle Ministry Inc.
155 E. Mountain Creek Rd.
Greenville, SC 29609
Website (