State-Line Motorcycle Ministry Oct. 09 Newsletter
Take Time To Visit Our Website
Possible Auction In April 2010
Toy Runs
Prayer Requests
Financial Report

Take Time To Visit Our Website

Please take the time to visit our website. God has done a wonderful thing for us there. He has blessed us with two different people who have put together an award-winning website, which brings honor and glory to God.

Possible Auction In April 2010

We are trying to organize an auction in April of 2010 to help raise needed monies.  Please pray for glory to God through this.  We are already praying for donations of worthwhile items to be auctioned off.  If you have some items that you could donate, please let us know as soon as possible. We are looking for things that people would like to have.  So far we have a package from a lawn service, a package from a web designer, and a package from The Wilds Christian Camp.  We are looking for golf packages, time shares, restaurant gift cards--anything people would will want to come bid on.

Once we set the date we will let you know, and you will be able to invite everyone you know to come and take part.  All are welcome. We will keep you informed about the time and place, and the kinds of items we have for auction.


The crowds were down, the weather was different each day from hot to cold to rain. I did not know what to expect.  I got sick standing out in that changing weather system. I asked everyone to pray for Don whom I led to Christ. I was hoping to have dinner with him one night and to take the time to help him get grounded in the Word, and direct him into a local church. I am sorry to say that it did not happen. I also had you pray for David, who God has been dealing with about salvation. We were supposed to get together as well, but it did not happen. 

I set up my wagon on Wednesday, the first day.  No one showed up until noon. It was a very slow day, and a few people picked up some of the literature. 

Thursday - Saturday got busier, with more opportunities to witness. A biker from GA which I met many years ago was there. I never had an opportunity to witness to him before, but he came by and for the first time we gave each other our names. God seemed to use this time to get us closer then ever before. His name is David. Please pray for his salvation.

I also met with Mike.  I had witnessed to him once before, but he did not want anything to do with God. He told me that his wife got saved and needs some study books to understand the Bible. He also wanted something on marriage which I am sending him. What a blessing to see God work through his wife. I pray that one day Mike will come to Christ.

God continues to amaze me on how He works. The first couple of days nothing happened, and I was wondering why I was there. Then the windows of opportunity opened up and the last two days we gave away almost everything we had.

Pictures link:

Toy Runs

All the toys runs will be starting up here this month. I missed the first one because I was sick. Pray that I will get to the rest from Nov. - Dec.

Prayer Requests

1. David to get saved.

2. Mike for salvation

3. All the toy runs I will be going to

4. Our Christmas Fellowship on December 12th

5. Our Christmas letter, which we will send out in the next couple of weeks. We hope it will spread the word about our ministry, and encourage gifts of much needed funds.
6. We are needing a new laptop which will cost $748.00-$948.00

Financial Report (Oct.)

$5000.00 - Monthly Budget
$3075.00 - Monthly Giving
$1925.00 - Shortfall

Glenn Taylor
State-Line Motorcycle Ministry Inc.
155 E. Mountain Creek Rd.
Greenville, SC 29609
Website (