State-Line Motorcycle Ministry Feb. 2013 Newsletter
Support Banquet
Table Sponsors
Banquet Cost
Bike Week Praises
Prayer Requests
Financial Report
I have witnessed to Henry for many years, and just last month I had the opportunity to see Henry rededicate his life to Christ. He told me how he had gotten saved at an earlier age and just got away from God. We are praising God. He has now been coming regularly to our services as well. This all started with our new day runs which we implemented last year. We invite bikers to come to our services and then go riding with us the rest of the day so that we can to get to know them and witness to them. It has been very profitable for God
Support Banquet
Our Support Banquet is coming up fast on April 16 (Tuesday night @ 6:30-8:30pm) at Heritage Bible Church. What we raise with our banquet is part of our budget each year. Please make this a matter of prayer. Right now we need to raise $26,000 at the banquet this year. God was good to us last year as He blessed us with what we needed.
Table Sponsors
We still need people who will help fill our tables. Each table seats 8, and I am asking each of you to pray to see if God will use you to fill a table for us. So if you do and you are married, you only have to invite 3 couples to fill your table. If you can help, just call Geneva Anderson as soon as possible at (864-236-7366) or email her at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Banquet Cost
Each year we have people pay $300.00 up front to help cover the cost of the banquet. This enables us to pay for everything before the banquet, and then what we raise at the banquet goes directly to State-Line Motorcycle Ministry. This keeps us from making two offerings at the banquet.
I would like to challenge you to pray and ask God if you would send us $300 to help pay for the banquet. If you can not come to the banquet and would like to help, you could still send the money to us. If by chance we raise more than we need, the rest of the money will go toward the $26,000 goal for the Banquet.
Bike Week Praises
Bike Week Rally is coming up (March 12-17) in Daytona Beach, FL. Praise God, He has opened the door for me to go and provided a hotel room. A couple out west came up with the hotel and paid the bill already. God does continue to work in our lives here at SLMM. Pray for souls to be saved and for traveling safety.
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for Carol, she needs to forgive others
2. Pray for Rick & his wife, that God will get a hold of their hearts and get back in fellowship with Him
3. Pray for this new year with many opportunities to witness and see many come to Christ
Financial Report
$10,000 - Budget To Date (Jan-Feb 2013)
$8,212 - Giving To Date (Jan-Feb 2013)
$3,715.00 - Monthly Giving (Feb)
Please continue to pray that God will supply the money for our monthhy budget of $5,000.