State-Line Motorcycle Ministry June/July 2016 Newsletter
Rettew family
Christmas In July Run
Chesnee Antique Bike Rally
Lunch Run
Up Coming events
Prayer Requests
Financial Report
Rettew Family
The Rettew family lost their son Joseph (33). Fatboy and Glenn attended the funeral. We heard some great testimonies at the funeral. May God bless this special family
Christmas In July Run
Once a year we have a early Christmas run for the Julie Valentine Center which ABATE of Greenville helps out several times a year.
We had a dinner at the ABATE meeting July 31 and all the bikers brought things needed for the JVC. What a blessing to see about 30 bikers help with the center. This gave me and those who help a time to witness and invite them to our services. I had a good contact with a biker I only met once at a local run. He came up to me, and we spoke for about 40 minutes. I did invite him & his wife.
Chesnee Antique Bike Rally
Fatboy and Bubbles went Saturday morning to the rally and had a good time. They invited some bikers to our services. It got hot and had to help take a friend home who was not feeling well.
Lunch Run
We had some new visitors the last two months. What a blessing to see new faces to witness to.
Up Coming events
1. Many local runs taking place in Greenville, SC
2. Cherokee Rally Sept 9-11
3. Greer bike Drags Sept 16 (date could change). We will setup and cook for the ABATE members. I estimate about 500 bikers will show up. More will come if the weather is good and they advertise the event (they did not last year).
4. Biketoberfest Oct 11-16
Prayer Requests
1. That we will have many opportunities to witness and see many come to Christ
2. We have planted many seeds this year. Please pray that these seeds will bear fruit for Christ.
3. Pray for Thomas who is in the hospital in ICU. He is saved, but not living for God
4. Pray for Steve who just had shoulder surgery. He is saved
5. Pray for Don, and Bob who need to grow in God's grace
Financial Report
$41,300.00 - Budget To Date (July. 2016)
$42,816.88 - Giving To Date (July. 2016)
$5,334.00 - Monthly Budget
$2,839.15 - Monthly Giving (July. 2016)
Glenn Taylor
State-Line Motorcycle Ministry
155 E Mountain Creek Rd
Greenville, SC 29609
Rettew family
Christmas In July Run
Chesnee Antique Bike Rally
Lunch Run
Up Coming events
Prayer Requests
Financial Report
Rettew Family
The Rettew family lost their son Joseph (33). Fatboy and Glenn attended the funeral. We heard some great testimonies at the funeral. May God bless this special family
Christmas In July Run
Once a year we have a early Christmas run for the Julie Valentine Center which ABATE of Greenville helps out several times a year.
We had a dinner at the ABATE meeting July 31 and all the bikers brought things needed for the JVC. What a blessing to see about 30 bikers help with the center. This gave me and those who help a time to witness and invite them to our services. I had a good contact with a biker I only met once at a local run. He came up to me, and we spoke for about 40 minutes. I did invite him & his wife.
Chesnee Antique Bike Rally
Fatboy and Bubbles went Saturday morning to the rally and had a good time. They invited some bikers to our services. It got hot and had to help take a friend home who was not feeling well.
Lunch Run
We had some new visitors the last two months. What a blessing to see new faces to witness to.
Up Coming events
1. Many local runs taking place in Greenville, SC
2. Cherokee Rally Sept 9-11
3. Greer bike Drags Sept 16 (date could change). We will setup and cook for the ABATE members. I estimate about 500 bikers will show up. More will come if the weather is good and they advertise the event (they did not last year).
4. Biketoberfest Oct 11-16
Prayer Requests
1. That we will have many opportunities to witness and see many come to Christ
2. We have planted many seeds this year. Please pray that these seeds will bear fruit for Christ.
3. Pray for Thomas who is in the hospital in ICU. He is saved, but not living for God
4. Pray for Steve who just had shoulder surgery. He is saved
5. Pray for Don, and Bob who need to grow in God's grace
Financial Report
$41,300.00 - Budget To Date (July. 2016)
$42,816.88 - Giving To Date (July. 2016)
$5,334.00 - Monthly Budget
$2,839.15 - Monthly Giving (July. 2016)
Glenn Taylor
State-Line Motorcycle Ministry
155 E Mountain Creek Rd
Greenville, SC 29609